
How do i have a relationship with my brother?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, this is complicated so bear with me...

My dad hooked up with this one girl like 24 years ago. What resulted from that, is my half brother Keith. My dad felt guilty so he married the woman. But as soon as the baby was born, he split.

Then my father married my mother. They had my brother Josh, then three years later had me. Josh and I had no idea about Keith until i was about 10, and he was 13. I could not stop asking questions about him. My brother couldn't care less about Keith, which i did not understand.

I also didn't understand why my dad never spoke about Keith, never hung out with Keith, and never talked to all.

Then, one night about 5 years later, we got a random phone call. It was Keith. He was wondering if he could actually met his dad and brother and sister. With this call we also found out he had a son....I was an aunt. Keith and Ayden(nephew) came to our house to visit. My brother Josh did not attend. He left right before he got there.

We visited for about an hour. I had just met my long lost brother, i was sooo excited! one else was interested.

Now, here we are, 3 more years later, and we're back to having no contact with Keith. Keith has tried to keep in contact but my dad refuses to talk to him and is back to not talking about him at all. Josh even denies the fact that he's his brother.

That makes me sick. I don't understand it.

I try to keep as close as i can with Keith, through myspace and such.

But it's hard to when the rest of my family is so against it.

So does anyone have any advice on what i could do here? I hate not knowing my brother and my nephew. It kills me every day.




  1. First of all let me tell you that Keith is blessed to have a sister like you.

    You may never know why your father has a problem with his son. I feel that your brother, Josh may be jealous not being the only and first son. He is also is doing what your father wants. You must disregard their feelings  when it comes to your brother Keith. Do what your heart tells you. Stay in contact with him. :-)

  2. Well you could talk to your dad about it and see why he did what he did and why he dont want to have anything to do with him. You have the right to get to know him and if that is what you want to do then you need to tell your dad and see what he tells you. I know what you are going through my dad has a son, but I knew him but just did not have anything to do with him until we got older and now we are close. Maybe your dad will understand and start letting him in.. Good luck

  3. talk to your family about how you are feeling. tell them they dont have to know them but you want to. then if they agree meet your brother and get to know him.

    you should not be kept back im kept back by my father from seeing my little brother when he is not with him and it kills me as i see him 1 day a month. so i know how you feel and i hope all goes well for you.

  4. Well, he is your brother and you have every right to get to know him. Push...I don't know how old you are? Does your brother live close by you guys? if so, tell him that you really want to get to know him and meet him someplace every week or so. If you are still pretty young and have to do what your parents say, do it behind their backs. Normally I would not say something like that, but they have no right denying you a relationship with your own brother.

    Hope this helps

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