
How do i have links to different parts of my blog?

by  |  earlier

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when someone goes to my blog, i want there to be (on the sidebar) a list like music, movies, comics...etc that they can click on to get to those sections in my blog.

kinda like how blog archives has dates that take you to that particular date...i just want to have music, movies, comics, fashion...etc?

hope somebody understands me...i got no idea how to phrase this when google searching..




  1. It is not clear as to what blog service that you are using, but I will provide an answer based on the blog feature in Yahoo! 360.

    This is called a Tag Cloud. At the bottom of blog entries there is a space where you can put tags (or subjects/categories separated by commas). This viewable during the composing of the blog and after the blog is posted (see the "Edit Tag" link). For further details, see .

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