
How do i have messages from me deleted from groups of which I am no longer a member?

by  |  earlier

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messages on some groups of which I use to be a member are still showing up on yahoo or google searches , and I would rather they no longer be there. I have contacted the owners of the yahoo groups of which I am talking but no one has deleted them yet. any suggestions?.




  1. the archives of the group must be open in order for them to come up in a search- if a group wants to use RSS, the archives have to be open as well. when you left the group, all that left was you, not your posts unless you specifically delete them. if you still have the ID, try and rejoin and delete them yourself however if there is no personal info within these posts, it's really nothing to worry about.

    once they are deleted, it takes time for the web cache to refresh and not show them.

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