
How do i have my photographs like this?

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How do i take a photo like the one in the link. What i mean is that some of the photo is dark while there is a light coming from the other side?

Is it a long exposure type of picture? or is it just the break of dawn?




  1. its just a dawn or dusk shot, the exposure could be alot better, the colours are bland, heres a colourful change of light image

    use a tripod and go out the right time and you can get shots like that one on automatic, better if you read the light and use manual control......


  2. well basically you CAN take a regular photo and just add some gradient to one side to make it darker or visversa

    if it normally was a dark photo you can use the dodge tool and brighten up the left side of the clouds..

    but if the clouds were already bright, and you wanted the upper right to be darker, you can just use the gradient tool :)

    make sure to duplicate your original... that way you can tweak the opacity to fit your satisfaction :)

    hope it helped

  3. A normal photo with photoshop filters.

  4. I am not an expert, but it just looks like it is either dawn or sunset. I guess this by the way that everything in the picture like the bushes are dark like it gets at sunset.

  5. In that particular photo, timing

    you take a number of shots as the sun goes down

    photoshop can enhance it but shouldn't be needed

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