
How do i heal a scratch on my eye?

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I sleep with my contacts in and i took them out after not taking them out for two days. my left eye has been hurting for about 24 hours. any ideas?




  1. You should see your ophthalmologist immediately. When patients leave contacts in, a condition called limbal hypoxia can develop. This basically means oxygen and nutrients do not get to the eye adequately. The contact lens prevents this, especially during unacceptably long hours of wear including overnight. Your ophthalmologist can evaluate to determine if this is the case and may suggest placing you on topical steroids during the remission, and of course stopping contact lens wear. Rarely other conditions can cause eye pain including serious problems like corneal ulcers which are treated with strong topical antibiotics.

    Again, I would urge you to see your ophthalmologist now, or proceed to your nearest emergency room.

    Hope this helps-

    Adam Koenigsberg MD


    Jacksonville FL

  2. This has happened to me, more than once, and it hurt every time I blinked.  My eyes are watering just remembering!

    I went to a emergency clinic because it was late at night, and they put some numbing drops in, which only lasted til morning.  I had to wear a patch (yo ho ho) and keep it closed for a couple of days til it healed on its own.

    But it's a good idea to have it checked out by a doctor.  Until you get there, use an eye rinse (pharmacy dept anywhere) and keep it closed.  Do get it checked out to be sure your eyesight won't be affected.

    Good luck - I hope it feels better soon!

  3. id get it checked asap, you may need to go on antibiotics if its a scratch that could get infected

    you will be ok if you seek the proper medical advice

  4. Nope. All I know is to Just wait

  5. I would go to the eye doctor if it dosent get better soon!

    Good luck!

  6. you can get some polysporin to put on your bottom eyelid

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