
How do i help a r/s friend who is sucidieal?

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can you help r/s/ yahoo and 360 friend chocklet chip said she was end ing it in my 360 messages how can i help her? and can you help her shes is beautiful on her slide shows and needs saving HELP ?




  1. I was executive director of a United Way agency, Teleshare, a suicide hotline.  I was able to save every one I talked with, for several years, except one.

    Often they are so pained about a temporary problem, that they rush to a permanent solution.  Help your friend to see that time heals.

    Your openness and concern in asking about suicide will allow the person experiencing pain to talk about the problem which may help reduce his or her anxiety.

    This may also allow the person with suicidal thoughts to feel less lonely or isolated, and perhaps a bit relieved.

    We all experience feelings of loneliness, depression, helplessness, and hopelessness, from time to time.

    The death of a family member, the breakup of a relationship, blows to our self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness, and/or major financial setbacks are serious problems which all of us may have to face at some point in our lives.

    Focus on the problems, not the suicide idea.  Solving problems prevents suicide.  This is a key!

    The tragedy of suicide is that intense emotional distress often blinds people to alternative solutions...yet other solutions are almost always available.  This is a key!

    The key is to ask "How?" and "When?" before "Why?"

    These questions tell you the first signs of serious risk. the degree of suicide risk can be determined.

    If you ascertain that the risk of suicide is high (i.e., a strong possibility exists that the person will commit suicide in the near future), try to make a verbal agreement with the person to contact you BEFORE he or she follows through with suicidal intentions.

    Most suicide crises are time-limited and based on unclear thinking. Persons attempting suicide want to escape from their problems.

    Instead, they need to confront their problems directly in order to find other solutions--solutions which can be found with the help of concerned individuals who support them through the crisis period, until they are able to think more clearly.

    In most instances, there is no rush. Sit and listen ... REALLY listen to what the person is saying.

    Give understanding and active emotional support for his or her feelings!

    I hope this helps.  


    Michael <><

  2. Call this hotline at and they should be able to provide you with guidance on what to do, if anything.

  3. What most people needs is a friend, some one to really be there to listen and help if they can. It would be best for you to read what to do if a person threaten to end their life, You also need the knowledge to let her know you are there for her.

    These links can help you  to help her.

  4. i agree with kee.  i don't know what else to tell you.  i was hoping that by starring it, i'd get you some help from other contacts, but i do agree with kee.

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