
How do i help build a small clothingg company?

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i just got this job in a kids clothing store. its my first job and i need advice on how i can help this company grow.




  1. Given that this is your first job, the first place you need to start is by learning the business. Find out everything you can about how the company operates:

    How is your inventory selected?

    Who are your suppliers?

    Why does the company prefer to deal with certain suppliers?

    Who are your customers?

    Do you have regular customers?

    What keeps your customers happy?

    As you are dealing with childrens clothing, you will definitely need to find out about the kinds of materials that are used in the clothes:

    What types of material/clothing are best for what types of activity?

    What allergy risks are there that parents should be aware of?

    Once you have this kind of knowledge, you have the abilty to fill in when other members of staff are off-work and help your customers make the right decisions; and if you make the customer happy then you will get repeat business.

    You will also be able to talk to people outside of the store [such as family or friends] about what you do and you will be able to generate business by word of mouth.

    For more specific advice, you would have to be much more specific about your situation...

  2. It all depend on the type of business model you have. You have not given enough information for me to comment.

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