
How do i help my baby daughter be more independent?

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My 10mo. old wants to be attached to my side all day everyday. Oh and I'm NOT exaggerating ( I don't know if thats spelled right ). I can't be on the pc, check the mail, h**l I can't walk out of the room without her runnin after me crying. I don't know what to do, she's my only child so I'm new at this.HELP!!!




  1. Instead of picking her up when she cries, let her cry.  She is crying as a manipulating tool.  She KNOWS that when she cries she gets your attention.

    So, you need to let her cry a lil bit.  

    Set her down in a safe area with some toys.  Walk to an area where you are out of her sight, but can see whats going on.

    It will be hard, but just wait.  Wait until she quits crying and starts playing.  Let her paly a lil bit, and then come back.  

    Make sure that when you do this, you tell her that you are going to be in the next room, and that you will be back in a lil bit.  Make sure you tell her that.  And when you come back, tell her that you are back now.  Tell her that you are proud of her for playing by herself a lil bit.  And then spend quality time with her.

  2. take her to baby gym!!!!!HOPE THAT HELP

  3. As a counselor, I have experience in working on parenting issues.  Your baby is going through the separation anxiety stage, which will last for at least another 8 to 14 months.  This is actually normal behavior for a baby her age.  Unfortunately, it means you won't get much alone time.  My daughter did the same thing.  Understanding that this was the stage she was in and that this would end helped me be more patient and deal with it.  You might have to try to accept that things will be like this until she grows out of this.  She is in the process of learning what security is and testing if you will be there for her.  She is in the process of learning that you still do exist even if you leave the room.  Try to be patient with her.  It's a process and she will grow out of it.  Just enjoy a lot of quality time with her.  Hope this helps.

  4. Your goal as a parent is to love and nurture your kids but the long term goal is to make them independent. I am an only child and to this day I have separation anxieties. And I truly believe it is b/c I was at my mom's side 24/7...she agrees with me. Nip it in the bud. Have a certain time of day to put her in her room and play with her toys (even my 7 month old will do that for like 30 min.) if she cries, let her, she will get over it. And it will be better in the long run.  

  5. I know what your saying, my little girl is 10 months and same thing.  I have 2 boys and they where nothing like that.  They kept themselves entertained very well.  I raised them all the same so I can't say anything there.  I have to let her cry it out a little because I have to feed and take care of my boys too.  My daughter will sit there and cry until I pick her back up.  I don't know what to really do about it, I guess I just hope that as she gets a little older she will be more patient and learn to play by herself a little.  Good luck.

  6. bring other babies her age to the house so she can play with them.  

  7. She has gotten attached to to you and is very insecure. She needs you like a security blanket. What you don't want to do is leave her and go into another room with her crying her eyes out in the next. You need to tell her that you'll be in the other room and walk away. Then If she follows you, walk her back to the room she was supposed to stay in. Then repeat it until she learns what you are trying to teach her. Also, you don't want to yell at her. If you yell at her and tell her to STAY! like you might a dog she will feel like you don't love her. Another reason why she might be scared is because she is afraid to be alone. That's normal. Maybey you could make sure that there is someone in the room with her when you leave so that she will feel more secure. Don't feel as though you've failed. Just take my advice and I hope the best for you and your daughter.  

  8. Hmm...well do you have friends that have kids around the same age? If so you should invite them over for a play date hope I helped and good luck...=D

  9. awww, she needs love from you... she doesn't know what else to do... give her as much soothing and loving as u can... she doesn't know how else to show her feelings...she's too young... ur the only one she really knows...

    poor baby :(

  10. I have an 11 mo old girl and 3 boys ages 3, 4, and 8.  Honestly mom, you are going to miss this age where she wants to be with you so much.  My daughter isn't interested in me holding her or cuddling anymore and I miss it horribly!  She has gone from mama's girl to little Miss Independent almost overnight and I hate it.  :(  

    My advise...just soak up that love and soon enough she will be taking those steps away from you...and you will be wanting to have this time back.

    Best wishes...hug that baby often...

  11. Maybe you could try and find a play group, if your child is alone alot of the time (no-one in her age group) Then this could happen, My daughter was the same way until I put her in daycare 2 days a week when I went to work, she is now 4 and she is the most independant grown up 4 year old that I know.

    If you can't get her to a daycare maybe you should try and find something that she really enjoys doing even if it is just enough time for you to go to the toilet by yourself, or just let her cry and then she will eventually get the point that she won't always be picked up..

  12. She's a BABY.  That's what they do.  It's normal for babies her age to have a bit of separation anxiety.  Let it run its course, and she'll eventually outgrow it.  Sorry, but it comes with parenthood.  Good luck.

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