
How do i help my cat with this problem?

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My cat is an outside cat. It went missing for a few days and when it came back, it had a broken tail. At first we tried to bandage the tail and hoped it would heal, but he kept pulling the bandage off. We thought it would heal anyway, but it got so bad that the end fell off. Now there is an open cavity at the end of its tail trying to heal and we realized that it was full of maggots. We poured peroxide on it and pulled out as many maggots as possible. There are still a few residing in there. What should we do to get the maggots out and how can we keep the bandage on its tail to keep them from re inhabiting it again. We cant afford to take it to the vet right now or we would have done that in the first place. please help ASAP




  1. I know how expensive the vet can be and I would love to tell you something else, but the infection is going to keep spreading if you don't get him to the vet. I can't think if anything you COULD do at home, and you don't know how far the infection is now. At this point they may have to cut off more of it's tail to prevent it getting as far as its body.

    Think of it like when people have gangrene on a limb. Would you try to treat that at home?

    Try looking for a shelter a shelter and ask them if they can recommend anywhere cheaper than a vet. I can't think of anything other than that but I would really ditch the home treatment idea.

  2. You need to find the money to go to the Vet. The wound is obviously infected, and could turn septic with FATAL results for your cat.

  3. Get that cat to a vet It's cruel and inhumane not to. It's not going to fix itself,

  4. oh my god, TAKE HIM TO THE VET!!!!!!  he needs serious medical help.  nothing you can do at home is going to make the infection go away.  the longer you wait the more expensive the vet bill!!!!!

  5. the idle thing to do in that position would be take him to the vet. If you think he is suffering have him put down if not and you have the  money after a few days take him you can possibly ask friends for help and you can pay them back in the future. other than that there isnt really anything to get the maggots out. try alcohol peroxide again mulitple time through out the day if it doesnt improve in 3 days its vet time for sure!    Hope this helps! :) Goodluck!

  6. If you cannot afford to take your cat to the vet try asking a local shelter to help you find cheaper services....or even a local university that has veterinary services available may do it for cheaper. Search around...some vets will make payments available to you.

    Your cat can get into SERIOUS trouble without medical help. Gangrene and various infections can set in and lead to his death if not treated.

    If you cannot afford to take your cat to the vet...I urge you (i know this may be difficult) To surrender him to a local organization that will fix him up and adopt him out.

    I'm sorry I haven't got any home remedies that can help you out. Just keep him indoors and clean the affected area several times a day and apply an antibiotic like neosporin to encourage healing.

  7. well, i would say, even though im not an expert, that u need to keep fluffy inside!  i no that it is a stupid answer but... im only 12. if u did not have the money to take fluffy to the vet in the first place, why did u decide to get a cat in the first place?im sorry, that was really rude of me. anyway, i will do the best i can because i really care and i want to help bcuz i have been in an equal situation. so far, the maggots tell that you have left her outside long enough for the flys to have babies!!! always keep an injured cat inside. right now, an infection has already taken place, and if you took her to the vet, they may amputate her tail, which really is no difference to her internally or mentally. DO NOT AMPUTATE IT YOURSELF, EITHER. do try to disenfect it as much as possible. the peroxide was a good idea, and i would keep doing that regularly. have one person firmly hold the cat with it face to face, soothing the animal and talking, singing, whatever. the other person should pull out any maggots using tweesers or gloved hands. dont put the bandage on unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that all of the maggots are out. if the infected maggots are locked in the tail and have nowhere else to go, the only thing they will do is spread disease and feed on the flesh. pour the peroxide, spread, wipe with napkin, rinse with water. repeat thie until maggots are out, or 5 times, whichever comes first. once the maggot removal is finnished, close up the wound with medical tape VERY TIGHT, and spread some hotsauce on it, or something extremely sour, yet harmless to cats. this way, when she tries to l**k, she will get a bad taste and wont go back for more.  REPEAT THIS UNTIL YOU NOTICE A CHANGE. ask some advice from a vet to see what vitamins he might suggest from a common petstore.the most important thing is to keep fluffy inside. thanks for asking, and i SOOOO hope she gets better!

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