
How do i help my habit of skipping classes? ideas?

by  |  earlier

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i tend to skip classes for no reason. with my frnds or without. i have bad records from previous yr. how do i help it? i really need to do well as this is my last semester of high skl and i need high marks to go to university. any ideas? plz help.

i actually do nothing when i skip classes. i just dont feel like going to class...




  1. wow...

    ok im not going to be mean but keep in mind i really want to be right now

    ok so just dont skip anymore classes and try to do like extra credit or something

    there might not be much you can do, but hey thats what you get for making bad decisions

  2. I normally sit down in the cafeteria realizing how skipping class affects my life and those around me.  My teachers get so angry and I get depressed and can't think, but then a teacher comes along, smacks me in the head, and says "GO TO CLASS SHITHEAD!"  This usually works

  3. Repeat after me "I must not skip classes" say this to yourself over and over, preferably while slamming the fridge door on you head!

  4. Okay, haven't been here in awhile, but I'll try to get back in the groove;

    Sit down somewhere, and let your mind wander, after you've thought of every random thing, all the pleasures in life, etc stop. And try to invision why you have these things. Most likely it's because of your parents. They have raised you to what you are now and if it weren't for them you most definetly wouldn't be where you are today, or more so who you are today. Now taking this into regard, recall that your parents are always wasting the precious seconds in their lives, working tirelessy to provide money to fund your education just so that you can be a well educated person in society. They could have dropped you off at an orphanage and enjoyed their own lives, but they decided to take good care of you and they are still doing so until this day. But look how you thank them. You waste their money by sitting mindlessly outside of class instead of gaining the few peices of knowledge you require to be an upright citizen. Ingratitude is what you are demonstrating. Imagine yourself working so hard for someone, raising money for let us say a car, you work day and night, sleep less, eat less and enjoy less and less of your own free time and after all of this, after you raise up enough money they grab the car keys from your hand without so much as a "thanks" and drive off. Your precious seconds wasted, they can never be regained you left empty. With most humans this type of behaviour is casual, people tend to forget or just generally ignore how hard others work to support them, if you let this kind of thought pattern persist in life you'll most definetly become a leech of society feeding off of others and never doing anything beneficial.

    With all this considered ask yourself why you stray from class, it does not harm you, it brings you no physical pain, a few hours spent learning the basics and you can go back to your life.

    You will come to learn one day that life is not about what you feel like doing but what you need to be doing, you'll come to see that school hours are not infinite and each precious second spent in class will eventually tick away. You will come to learn that when your grades are high and you've paid back both your teachers and parents in the time an effort put into making you intelligent, that you will feel complete because you owe nothing to no one.

    Go to class, learn, go back home and live, do it however you want, be a rebel and make noise, be a book worm and be as quiet as a mouse, be the teacher's close friend and joke around in class, but do something. Do something with your life before you have none, do something with yourself instead of doing nothing. Intelligence is admirable, but without application it is wasted and wasted intelligence is wasted capability, and wasted capability is uselessness. And I swear if you become someone useless, you're better off dead and in a wooden box 4 feet under than being up here festering the community and feeding off of our energy. We don't need an extra person to the 6 billion other mouths we have to feed.

    Now go to class.

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