
How do i help my swing?

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my shots keep hooking




  1. make sure to keep your arm straight

  2. Jason G =  wrong

    An "Over The Top" swing.. only effects the swing path.

    It rarely has anything to do with the clubface.

    I can swing "over the top" all day long.. and as long as my club face is square to that target line / swing patch.. then the ball flight will be "straight".

    "Over the top" swing + square clubface = Pulled shot.. but straight....

    "Over the top" swing + open clubface = Pull slice

    "Over the top" swing + closed clubface = Pull hook

  3. get a coach.

  4. Fade it.

  5. A hook is caused by the club face being closed at impact. This either pushes the ball or hooks it. This can be cause by a couple of basic reasons. One is your grip is too strong, meaning that your hands are too far behind the grip. Turn them more to the center of the club to correct this. The other is that your swing plane is coming from the outside to the inside, keeping the club face closed. To correct this you must keep your swing plane in line with your target.

    Have someone watch you or video tape your swing so that you can see what is going on. The grip is easy to see, the swing plane is a little harder.

  6. There are a number faults resutling in a hook

    You may be flexing your left wrist too much (if your right handed). - try keeping your left wrist straighter during impact.

    You may have too strong a grip (this does not mean your holding the club too tightly it means your left hand has too much say in your swing) - try moving your left hand round to the left a little - you should just be able to see the badge on the back of your glove.

    You may have a reverse pivot - this needs serious work to fix and you will need to see a good club pro for this.

    You may be shutting the club face on impact - try and opening the club face at address.

    Whatever it is fix it - 'cos "you can talk to a slice but a hook won't listen!" (Old Scottish Proverb!)

  7. Keep your right arm close to your body on the downswing(left arm if you're left handed).  Getting your right arm away from your body promotes an over the top swing and usually results in the clubface closing and thus hooking the ball.

  8. Depends on whats causing the hook.  You could be over-releasing the club through impact or your grip is too strong or a number of things.  Give us a little more info.

  9. Pflem has the right idea but if you cannot understand what he is describing, your best bet is to take a couple of lessons from the best local teaching pro. You will be versed in the fundamentals and will enjoy the journey more.

  10. make sure that you hit the ball square.

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