
How do i help my voice to stop shaking during presentations?

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I am deathy afraid of presenting. Every time I go up in front of the class to present my voice starts shaking. Last year, I did not have a problem with this but now i do. Please tell me what i can do to fix this problem.




  1. Mine used to do that to.  Then I realized that the only one who could hear it was me.  Everybody I asked said they hadn't noticed it at all.  I couldn't believe it!  To me it sounded like I was standing over a subway station.  But once I was told others couldn't hear it - well it kinda went away on it's own.   I just had to relax a bit and remember that it's the content of what I was saying that was interesting, not the delivery.  Let me know how that works for you.

  2. You are experiencing stage fright or just "plain ole performance anxiety." This is a familiar situation which had taken myself out of commission at one time in college,  at my turn to make a speech. Needless to say from that point of embarrassment until now I had made numerous speeches and these I've handwritten myself. But unknown to the audience are bits and pieces in the speeches which help reduce the anxiety. The one which helped the most was an introduction on How to Write Your Own Autobiography in Twelve Easy Steps. By using a bit of psychology on the audience and (myself) giving them something free set my fears aside. You may try an approach such as this and see if that helps. Wish you lots of luck.

    Volunteer Counselor Western Illinois University

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