
How do i hide ma nose Ring from ma family??? plz help :(?

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is there a way i can get a nose ring without ma family finding out ??

me and ma best friend (we are 15) reallyy want nose rings and we have everything planed but how to keep it away from ma family...... or should we just get a tattoos?




  1. either just rebel and get it done no matter what your parents say or dont bother. i got the tops of my ear pierced against my mums will and yeah its easy 2 hide them with my hair but its a real pain in the *** having to keep my hair down all the time and making sure my mum cant see them. its not like you can walk around with you hand on your nose all day untill you move out and they will still see clear nose rings (i take it they arnt blind?). so if you really want it done just go ahead and get it then face the consequences. teenagers have got to rebel at some point :p

  2. they have clear nosse rings.

    u could put a bandaid over it of sumthing.

    ur best bet would be to talk to ur parents. and a tatoo would be harder to hide. but they are forever. u can take a ring out  

  3. depends where the nose ring.

    the regular or the septum?

    if so just get a clear nose ring so that they cant really see it.

    tattoos at your age wouldnt be smart seeing as your still growing the tattoo could be stretched  when your older. and you'll have to live with the tattoo for ever unless you get it removed.

  4. Ask your parent/legal guardian to take you to a piercing shop to get it done professionally. If they say no then you should obey them and just wait until your 18. I was a teen not that long ago and yes I remember wanting things right then and there. If you really want a tattoo or a piercing you will wait for it if you need to. Trust me 15 is not that far off from 18 it comes really quick. Please do not try to pierce it yourself because you can make yourselves extremely sick through infection, die from a infection, or even hit a nerve that will cause damage and there goes your pretty face. There is a reason why in many states you have to be licensed to pierce and tattoo.

    As for tattoo's at least at the shop I work at we require you to be at least 16 (with a parent/guardian) because by then your body has slowed down on growing for the most part and your tattoo won't get stretched out and messed up in the years to long as you take good care of it.

    No state in the U.S. will pierce or tattoo anyone under the age of 18 (some states 19 or even 21) without your parent or legal guardian, if you find a place that does that means they operating illegally and are not safe so please do not use them if you value your health and life.

  5. There really is no way to hide any facial piercing.

    And please don't tattoo's at such a young age, you'll only end up regretting it.

    I was going to get one at 16, but I'm so glad I've waited til 18.

    It is so stupid to decide with your friends, to get a tattoo or piercing. it should be your own decision, remember it'll be with you forever and once the needle/ink goes into your skin, there's no going back.

  6. ok, I am 11 and I know that it is stupid to get a nose ring ect. without my parents knowing. Trust me, in 20 years your gonna regret it, I know times have changed in all but it is only 3 years untill you can mess up your body all you want! It's not that far away. If you REALLY want a nose piericing, you will wait. And no, it is not a good idea to get any piercing with a friend without asking first. My 2 sisters Emmy, and Hannah 12 and 15 are getting them too. My parents and I have talked them out of getting navel piercings but not yet the nose ring. You can get TONS of infections from a nose ring if you are too lazy about caring for it. Look up some of the infections you can get and how life-threating they can be. So my advise , wait. You  wont be too happy when about 7 months from now your mom or dad comes to give you a hug and you forget to turn your head and the see a hole in your nose.

  7. get a retainer?

    you won't b able to get it done but if u do it yourself its gona hurt because its really thick there;;;

    but I know plenty of people that have done it and survived just make sure u keep it clean (=

    piercings aren't that much fun if you have to hide them all the time tho //:  

  8. You could get it pierced then get a clear insert.

  9. I would think that by 15 you would have realized that your nose is located almost directly in the center of your face. Almost no way of hiding it except maybe putting a bag over your head. Also if you arent old enough to be able to get a tattoo or piercing without having to hide it from your parents and arent mature enough to say its my body look what i did to it then you should rethink the entire idea.  

  10. if it's your nostril, get a clear retainer and when you're talking to your parents up close, move your face inconspicuously to the side a little so that they're looking at the non-pierced side of your nose.

    but if you're getting a septum (the chunk of cartilage in between your nostrils) pierced, just flip it up, so that it's inside of your nose instead of hanging out of it, and don't tilt your head too far back when speaking with your parents.

    good luck!

  11. my friend hid her tongue ring from her parents. i dont think you could hide a nose ring though.  

  12. is this even possible at your age?

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