
How do i hit someone really hard in football?

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im a freshmen in high school and play jv and varsity football i am 138lbs (yeah i know im small but fast as h**l) and i play running back and cornerback

i already know how to bring down anyone but i wanna be like the seniors on my team doin those hard as h**l hits plez help i have a game this friday




  1. Tackle through them and come with bad intentions.  Really though, at 138 you'll have to pick your battles or you'll hurt yourself.  

  2. I'm barely 130 but what I usually do is run at them full speed and wrap my arms around them and drive them down to the ground.

  3. shoulder Just bang them full speed since ur fast

  4. You gotta have momentum, right timing, and the power. What i do is(Im BIG and FAST so i ran a 4.77 and i weigh 225 i played WR,CB) I swing my momentum at the precise right time and moment, Like when they r looking at the ball waiting for the catch you start to tackle once you see them jump,stop,or put thier hands out high. And when i say tackle i dont mean wrap your arm around him i mean run towards him about to tackle him and sorta dive and you lean forward in the air to make a big bang. MAKE SURE you dont fall down first thats how you get injured fall on him if you wanna hurt him or try to keep your balance. IF hes bigger hit higher throwing all of your weight or lower. JUST TRY tell me if it works

  5. Hit 'em high, and they'll pass you by.

    Hit 'em low, and they just won't go.

  6. If you run hard you have a force of much more than you weigh. Wrap your hands against him and drive him into the ground.

  7. head across the bow, aka  dont put your head at risk of getting your neck snapped, stay AS LOW AS POSSIBLE. grab cloth, and yank, and constantly keep your feet going, drive them down. the lower you are the better. try taking on only half the man if you need to be going through them, and it's ok to not hit as hard as the seniors, you're only a freshmen, give it your all and as you go through high school you'll see yourself getting better and maybe you can have some freshmen wanting to hit as hard as you.

  8. Low man wins (but keep your head up)!

  9. you got to lower your shoulder and drive, and put some power behind it

  10. Don't be so concerned with getting a big hit. Focus on tackling the opposing player. Biggest hits come on kickoff and punt, because you are running for 40 yards before you hit somebody. But, they aren't going to happen that often. Just focus on tackling, big hits will come later when you grow a little bit more.

    Some tips on tackling:

    keep your feet moving

    keep your head up

    Put your face mask on the ball

    wrap the player up, grab cloth

    take him down.

  11. Use your speed to your advantage at rb and dont get hit. Rely on your quickness and agility. Hit the weight room and eat beef and tuna.

  12. lower your head into them, or go for the legs

  13. I know what you mean i weigh bout 140 and am really short, all you gotta remember is stay up on you r toes all the time, all ways be ready to move. When you go in for a hit, stay as low as possible without losing your balance.  Make sure you go THROUGH the guy your trying to hit, and keep your legs moving the whole time, never stop. And like the other guy said, go into the hit as fired up as you can be   (just dont be dirty):)  just have fun wit it cause its the best game ever!!


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