
How do i hit the ball when playing pool?

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How do i hit the ball when playing pool?




  1. you hit the cue ball with the cue stick and break the balls in the triangle and then hit them in with the cue ball without it going in the pocket

  2. good

  3. Find someone who knows how to play placing the cue on your middle finger and wrapping your index finger over the cue will give you very little control also hitting the white ball differs for different shots to apply side and s***w the ball needs to be hit in different spots as I said find some one who knows how too play and then its a matter of practise makes perfect or nearly any way.

  4. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HOW TO SHOOT<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

         When shooting the cue ball, use the left mouse button to move the cue stick

         around the cue ball. When you have positioned the cue stick where you want,

         click and hold the right mouse button. Pull back on the mouse until you have

          the desired power (displayed on the right side of the table). Let go of the right

         mouse button to take your shot. To move the cue ball when you have ball in hand,

         simply left-click the cue ball and drag it to the desired spot and drop it.

         For more precise aiming you may use the arrow keys to line up your shot as well.

  5. i agree with ivenovemb... i play pool and i couldnt have said it beter my self.good luck:)

  6. Look where you want to hit the cue ball and then see what point would make it go there, focus on that point and then place your hand down on the table and place the cue stick on your middle finger and wrap your index finger over it and then gently pull back and push forward with some velocity but not to much that you lose control of the stick, you also want to stroke the ball jsut under the dead center of the ball.

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