
How do i hook up a legacy 600 watt amp?

by  |  earlier

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I already tryed hooking it up in my truck and now nothing in the truck works it doesnt even start.




  1. YOU don't.. sorry dude but it sound like you fried your fuse box or your wiring harness or some type of electrical in your truck... If you really want to try again after you get the truck fixed the positive terminal from the amp+ gets connected to the battery positive terminal +.. the negative - terminal on the amp gets connected to the frame of the truck (or to the body witch is connected to the frame which is connected to the battery) bare metal non the less.. unless you have a positive ground vehicle in which case reverse where the leads get connected.. I think.. I have never wired a positive ground vehicle..... but really if your truck don't start no more, chances are good you should do some research on the electrical system of a vehicle...  do not under any circumstance touch the positive wire form the battery to the truck... unless the truck is positive ground in which case do not touch the negative wire to the truck.... or tow it to a mechanic and get them to fix it then drive it to an installer and get them to install it :)

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