
How do i host a 5k run?

by Guest65741  |  earlier

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I belong to an NJROTC unit that is looking to raise money by hosting a 5k run in our community. We have no clue how to plan one of these and it would be nice if we could get an idea of how to do this. What kind of sponsorship is available and how can we get it? How much can we raise? How long will we need to plan ahead? Basically we need to know everything that goes into hosting a 5k. Thank you for your answers.




  1. Quick questions and I'll get back with you later......what state, city looking to do it in?  is there a big running community there?  Probably need about 4-8 months of planning to get it ready.  Usual 5K cost anywhere from $12 (for a no T-shirt option) to $15 pre-registered to $20 race-day registration.  Will edit once get more info.

  2. There are expert (run events) coordinator who can take care of your 5k fund-raising project without a glitch if you are in a hurry. You need to have stationary and mobile marshals for medical emergencies and traffic, an ambulance perhaps , enough water at each water station, you need to rent a professional timing system, you need to announce individual times for each runner that participated, take care of sponsors , T-shirts, jerseys, portalets/ portacabins..etc.

  3. Well, its harder than your think, it takes alot of planning, volunteers and hard work, here are the things you got to consider, permission from the city for the 5K route, first aid attendants, marshalls for the route (needed for every turn (especially with streets that go either left or right), timers, finish line attendants to give medals to finsishers, sponsors for prizes, post race food, water stations (for a 5K you wouldn't need more than 2) parking for the participants, set up crew /clean up crew for tables, food, parking marshalls, garbage etc. You'll need to get advertisements to promote your event, registrations forms(make sure there is a waiver on the form) - both website, mail and race day.  Race packages including race bibs, safety pins, goodies, coupons, etc.  Do your organization have insurance, in case of a liability issue?  Does your course need to be certified?  Contact police and city for permission of road blocks. Get media involved to promote your event.  

    Talk to someone in your local running club thats been involved in race/event planning.  Experience does help.

    Make sure delegations are made:  such as have committees for certain things like: Sponsor Contact Person, Foods/Water, Setup/Cleanup Crew,, Volunteer Contact person, etc.

    As far as sponsors go, write up a letter about your event and what your fundraising for and go to your local businesses (especially the ones you deal with, and know you) and ask them to be sponsors for your event - they can help by donations of prizes, foods, use of tents/chairs/tables, event supplies, etc.  Let them know that you will be posting the sponsorship online, newspapers, media, etc.

    Get tons of volunteers...highschool students, sponsor staffs, etc.

    Here is a link that may help you:

    Good Luck...

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