
How do i i start a commerciial webbased website for my busiiness?

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How do i i start a commerciial webbased website for my busiiness?

how do i i start a commerciial webbased website for my busiiness ??

i want to start a business and also hav a website commercial website for my business

how do i i start a commerciial webbased website for my busiiness ??

how do i i start a commerciial webbased website for my busiiness ??

how much does it cost ??

how much does it cost ??





  1. Try looking up yellow pages, the green book and the local newspaper for web design company.

    How much does it cost will depends a lot on the type of commercial website and work scope. You might also need the web design company to maintain your website for any changes and update when needed. This extra work might be an added extra cost as well. Total cost may run into thousands of dollars.

    You will also need basic skill promoting your commercial website to attract targeted visitor after that. You can learn all the secret skills at

  2. first, you may want to sign up for some tutorials or workshops so that you know how to go about being more professional. they will teach you how to set up your own sites. try asking around town, or google it.  

  3. i have no idea

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