
How do i implement a "no personal phone calls " & a "limited smoke break policy"when we have none?

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I've recently been promoted to manager in a small restaurant after the manager we had became too sick to work anymore. She smoked & took alot of personal calls,so we have a few employees that will take a smoke break every chance they get & take more personal calls than a $2.00 hooker. The non-smokers just had to deal with it. I want to change that.... ASAP!




  1. Like the other said, implement rules. Post it on a sign in the break room or where people use their time cards, some place where they're going to see it. Put on the sign that the rules apply to EVERYONE and that they will be enforced. Consequences will occur to those who refuse to follow the rules.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Start answering the phone yourself and tell whoever is on the other line that the person is busy with a client right now but will be happy to call them back on their break. Remind people of their breaks and maybe start a break schedule, Remember people don't like change and especially from someone they aren't used to taking orders from, so don't try to change everything at once.  Also it might be helpful to get the non smoker on board first so they can back you up.

  3. First of all, I have to say that non-smokers use the phone just as much as smokers.  No one should be answering a cell phone while dealing with customers.  I would eliminate them completely.  Tell people to leave them in their purses or cars.  As for smoking set a time frame where no one can smoke or eat, probably during your busiest times like 5-9.  After or before 5-9 let people smoke or eat with permission from the manager on duty.  Also try a buddy system so the person that is away has to ask their buddy to look over their section or station.  And set a time limit for all breaks.  

    I am a smoker that works in a restaurant.  Once a night I take five minutes to smoke.  I have to pick up the slack for quite a few non-smokers that take 20 minutes to eat.  I resent the fact that you think non-smokers have to deal with someone smoking for 5 minutes.  It really depends on an individuals work ethic and not what they do on a short break.  Most restaurants don't even give scheduled breaks, so if a cigarette is an excuse to get away for a minute i'm going to use it.

  4. Time to clean house. Hire some new people(Non-Smokers!) and cut hours on the non-preformers.  You should also have a chat with the owner telling him that you are taking a hard line that will not be popular but will stop employees from not working and give better service. You can also expect to lose some dead weight in the process. Some people think chatting and smoking are rights.

    New Rules:

    Cell phones are to be off at all times. Emergency calls can come in through the store phone. Outgoing calls on breaks only. Absolutely no outgoing calls while on duty.  Two incoming calls on a shift on a cell phone means you can be sent home.  Personal calls coming into the business phone will be asked "is it an Emergency?"  If yes, then the employee has to clock out to answer. Absolutely no messages taken.

    Only one person can be on a smoke break at a time with permission of the shift manager. With this rule the next person who can smoke will push the person outside to get back on the line. Slow times are for cleaning and side work.  No smoke breaks during peak hours.

    Non-smokers get five minute breaks that do not count towards regular break times.  

    Smoke Breaks are FIVE minutes. If they can take ten minute breaks, someone can go home.

    Start sending people home early who are not busy(smoking, phone chat)

    You should be able to cut labor hours by 20 percent like this pretty quickly.  We went through a similar problem and it was not much fun but in the end we saved enough money that we could get raises.   I remember when they had to schedule enough cooks so that there was ALWAYS someone on a smoke break.  

  5. Set the rules.  A 10 minute break twice a shift for all employees.  (Smoke, use the restroom or just sit)

    Personal calls will be deducted from the 10 min.

    That will slow them down.  You cannot end breaks and calls.  You would then alienate your staff and could wind up by yourself.

  6. I agree with making a rule of 2 10 minute breaks and a 30 minute break, if that is standard in your company. But to make sure it is easier to enforce, is there somewhere you can lock cell phones, purses, etc.? I had a manager make us lock our phones and purses, including cigarettes in a locker. That way they would have to ask permission to use their phones and go smoke. If they say "someone might call with an emergency" just let them know that their family is welcome to call the company phone with emergencies only.  

  7. Don't let it slide too long first. You do you can forget it.

    Sent rules they have to go out side to smoke and set break times and lunch times when they can go outside to smoke.

    As for talking on cells phones while waiting on customers or not on break. Put a stop to that immediately. No talking on cell phones on floor waiting on customers. No talking on cell phones when they have customers seated in their seats.

    Then if they do not adhere to it ban cell phones on the floor completely.  There is nothing more irritating than a waitress or waiter with their ears glued to a cell phone when you are trying to order, or who is ignoring you while talking on the cell phone.

    Usual standard practice on phones is only emergency calls. No personal calls. Their boy friend or girl friend running out of gas does not qualify as an emergency.  

  8. You're the manager.

    Tell your employees that this is the new policy.

    And lead by example.

    If you're uncomfortable or unable to do that, then you honestly have no business being a manager in any field.

  9. As the new management you should set the policy for breaks and phone protocol.

    Create a smoking area outside, next to the dumpster if you can.  You can try to schedule breaks, but in a restaurant setting that is never easy.

    As for the phone calls, no cell phones should be on during a shift and no personal calls will be accepted during peak times.  You need to determine what your peak hours are and make sure to tell anyone who might call you to leave it on your voice mail.

    Good Luck!  Bad habits can be really hard to break.

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