
How do i improve my 400 and 800m track times?

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I am a junior and this was the first year ive run the open 4. I ran my pr the first time out which was a 53.8. I got slightly injured during another race but my coach thinks i could probably run a 52. How relalistic is this? Also, he thinks i have the right body to run the 800m, but again i have never run it before. He thinks i could do a 2:10 or better, and i was wondering if this is relalistic? Any tips to improve my times?




  1. nice time on the 400 by the way and if you dont have running shoes you should get some that should take some time off. also this might sound dumb but you have to want to get a faster has alot to do with the desire to get a better time. and a 2:10 eight hundred meter would be 1:05 laps which isnt to bad if you get a 2:20 in the 800 your in good shape

  2. You know what,my coach is the same way, for me the 400,my time is a 56.0 flat,kinda slow,and 800 time is a 2:17,real ******* slow,but ways to improve your time is in 400 SPRINT around the corner than fast run down the track,than SPRINT around that curb and BURST OUT within the last 100 or 300 meters and your time should be a 50 or below but if you do that,your time could be a 40 something cause your already fast,in the 800 SPRINT around the curb and get back in your grove down the track than SPRINT around that curb and grove your fast pace,than on the last final lap,you could SPRINT all the way if you have lots of energy or you could SPRINT around the curb and BURST out last 100 meters,I'm running those tommowerr,good luck.

  3. For the 800m, i was taught to start by really going for it in the first 200m, then slowing down slightly for the next 100m then set into another steady pace, although still keeping the speed pretty fast then as you come round to the final 300m or 200m, sprint

    My times only 2.24 though but it worked pretty well on getting that time at least!

  4. while running a long distance, start at a jog, then speed up to  a faster than normal jog, then burst into a full out sprint, then back to a fast jog, then back to a normal jog for a while. this cycle repeats the WHOLE run. this really improves my time! good luck [=

  5. they are both realistic.  just keep running and never slow down

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