
How do i improve my arm strength?

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i need ways to make my arm stronger but i don't have anyone to play catch with any ideas how i can still make my arm stronger?




  1. Ask Buzz Jockington.

    He is a world renowned asker and answerer of repetitious questions on Yahoo Baseball Answers.

  2. go to youtube and put in Jaeger sports. there is a 9 minute or so clip.

    if you don't have anyone to play catch with buy you some baseballs and a ball bag and start going to a field to throw them as far as you can.

  3. ummm im a pitcher and what works to me get a 5lb or 10 lb dont go no higher and put you elbows and your arm on a table and leve your wrist hanging off and  and get an up and down motion with your wrist with the weights and all the pitchers and football QB's have to do this

  4. For strenth exercises work you forarms puts less stress on the tommy john. you sholder is also a very important get bands and a cord use the daily you can find many of the exercises on google. The cord will strenthen your sholder and keeps it from getting weaker and getting rotator cuff injury or tommy john injury it will also give you better stamina and keep you on top of the ball. Long toss will also help  and it is the best throing exercise and if you are a pitcher i suggest rolling news  up in a tude and keep rolling for a few minuets cause it will help your wrist so it can rlly snap on a good fast ball.

  5. well, get one of those balls that has a string tied to it and tie the other end to your wrist, and throw that over and over. thats better than not throwing at all. or get a pitch back net, its a springy net so when you throw the ball on it it shoots the ball back.

    do arm circles with 2 or 3 balls in each hand.

    j-bands, look them up on line. people claim they work but ive never tried them.

    but try your best to find someone to do long toss with, long toss works magic.

    good luck

  6. Well playing catch and long toss is often the best way to improve your arm strength.  But, since you can't do that, you will need to get into the gym.  Lift lots of legs, do a lot of ab workouts, and focus on lifting shoulders.  The core of your body, with your legs, are where you get all the strength from, so I would recommend lifting those.  Then, do sprints and long distance running, alternating everyday.

    In order for you to build up your arm strength you will also need to get out and play catch and long toss, too.  So hopefully you can find someone to toss with.  Or you can go into a empty basketball court and just take a soft baseball and throw it off the wall for a while.  You can also take a bucket of balls and throw them into a net.  There are various ways to build up arm strength.  Best of luck to you.

  7. Go to the park with a bucket of balls.  Go to center field and dump out all of the balls.  Throw all of the balls on a line (not way up in the air) to the backstop.

    Either that, or GO FIND A FRIEND!  You're telling me that there's NO ONE that you know that can catch a ball?  C'mon.

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