
How do i improve my awareness while driving?

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I got the signs down and everything from reading my book. im 16 and whenever i get on the road with my dad he sorta pressures me and i lose focus everytime i am inches away from crashing and we always pull over and he yells at me and he drives then. we wait about 3 weeks before we go again so i never get a feeling for the truck for a good period of time. i always seem to do fine in te country but when it comes to driving with other people i simply PANIC.




  1. Practice, practice, practice, and more practice.  I know it isn't easy, but tell your dad to stop pressuring you and to give you a chance.  In time and endurance, you'll be fine.

  2. you're not ready and your dad is understandably angry. however, he is NOT the one who will help you here. his anger only exacerbates your panic. find a new tutor ...and relax

  3. Try driving more in safe places until you get used to driving more. I spent a long time driving in empty parking lots, until all the basic mechanics of driving were automatic for me. Maybe your Dad is expecting you to drive in more difficult situations before you're ready. Just take it slow.

  4. You'll get use to it. its hard when your dad is watching you like that. but be very careful. this is the way motorcyclists like myself are severely injured or die each year

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