
How do i improve my golf swing?

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How do i improve my golf swing?




  1. One thing that works for me is have my wife video tape my swings and I review the video with a Golf Instructor , or I just pay for a lesson and he videos on the spot and he can tell whats wrong right away , the Tape does not lie . then from that point on you can practice correctly .

  2. practise!

  3. If you want some real good help guides I have a website with links to the guides I used and found to be very helpfull.

    Take a look. these guides helped they me greatly.

  4. Lessons to identify your swing flaws and how to fix them.  Then to the driving range to practice, practice, practice.


  6. Practice

  7. Find a good teaching pro in your area, take a couple of lessons in the basics of a good golf swing and practice what the pro preached, long and often. Hopefully the pro will work with what you have rather than making a complete transformation.

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