
How do i improve speed endurance?

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What exercises can i do to dramatically improve my speed endurance?




  1. well are you talking about a 800?1600? 5k? or  1/2 marathon?

    for a 5k i would say mile repeats at your 5k pace with less then 100% recovery time.

    Nothing dramatically happens in running its all constant work and effort.

  2. Come back and say the distance you are running anything else on our part is purely speculation without fact sorry but I have tried to be honest with you

  3. So, I would focus on shorter races for long distance, like the 5K or 10K.  These take less time overall to train for, and you can still enjoy the benefits of a run.

    I'm not a heart-rate monitor 'fan', as I have used them in the past and feel they don't really tell the whole story.  The general formats they are applied in with their formulas can be well below what a person can handle.  For instance, the "220 minus your age" formula to find a Maximum Heart Rate is really an outdated recommendation now, and if many athletes were to go by it, you'd find out that they'd hardly be working if they were into the supposed 'zones' of higher intensity.  I find that the 'internal gauge' of estimating your efforts on a scale of 1-10 work better overall.  I have used this format personally, with 10 being an all-out effort, and 5 feeling like an easy jog.  a 3 level is what I would call an easy walk.  In general, for running, here are my guidelines:

    5-6 Rating: easy jog

    7-8 Rating: moderate, comfortable run

    9-10 Rating: High intensity, race-pace level & sprints

    I hope this helps you well

  4. Run 200m at 90%, then take a 5min break, then do another 200m at 90% again

    Do this 5 times

  5. jump/speed rope work!

  6. Improving speed or endurance? Each takes a different type of training, though both need you to run.

    To increase speed you need to do short bursts of speed, then rest and repeat the exercise for a training session.

    You can do this by say running 400m fast (depending on how far you want to increase speed over), rest and repeat. Do Fartlek training sessions - jog a lap and then sprint a lap, or jog down the road and between lamp posts sprint, then jog between the next 2. Find a hill, jog up it easily then run down fast, and repeat (this gets your legs moving fast).

    To increase endurance you need to run further. This all depends on how far you want to run for. If you are doing short distnances (up to 5km races) then run a bit further, perhaps half again, of the distance to build up the endurance for the race. If its a longer distance then you can run less than the race distance. Whatever, make sure you jog or run for at least 30 mins at a stretch. You could find a hill to run up, jog to it and then run up it hard, jog down and repeat, this builds leg muscles.

    These are OK for running outside.

    If you are on a treadmill you can do simular.

    For speed start off at a comfortable pace and every 45 seconds increase it by 0.1mph untill you have to stop, or just set the treadmill off at a quick pace and run - the treadmill will force you to go fast (or you fall off!)

    For endurance, set it to a pace and just run. Or you can set it to an easy pace, and every 30 seconds increase the incline by 0.5 degrees, and run for as long as you can. Set the angle back to 0, run to recover and repeat

    Hope that gives you a few ideas

  7. One of the best ways to learn to run faster for longer is to do intervals.  Depending on what distance you want to improve for, you might want to run 400, 800, or even mile repeats!

    hope it helps!


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