
How do i increase the amount or thicken my hair?

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Ever since i was young ive had very thin hair. Is there any way i could get my hair to grow thicker? All the shampoos i've used that have promised more hair volume usually ended up not working as the day progressed.




  1. You don't want thick hair I have it and you can't do anything with it IRS just a big frizzballl

  2. thickening lotion.

    i used it a while ago and it works really well.

    i didn't really know what it was then, i just thought it smelled good.

    haha so i put it in my hair and it made it big. but i  have thick hair naturally, so if you have thin hair it make look better than it did on me.

    i think it's availble at target or maybe even walmart.

  3. Whenever you get your hair done, make sure to ask your stylist to clip your ends( or you can do it yourself, but if you dont know how you could cut your hair wrong). It helps stop hair breakage which helps your hair to thicken up :]

  4. get a hair dryer and wave it under your hair. that should thicken it.i read it in a magazine

  5. ask your stylist for layers. you can also try extensions, but i dont know if they will work.

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