
How do i insert a FOOTER on a words document please?help!?

by  |  earlier

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please,i i need to insert a footer with my initials in a words document and i can't remember how to do it,can you help?thanks




  1. Hey there,

    To insert a footer, click "View" at the top the your document (File, Edit, View...) and then click "Header & Footer", if you don't see that then click the double arrows at the bottom of that menu and it should appear.

    Once it loads, scroll down to the very bottom of your document and type in what you wish, it will then display on all pages.

  2. Hi -

    Go to "View" on the toolbar at the top of the page and select "header & footer".  Then use your down arrow to toggle from the header to the footer.

    Good luck!

  3. you can find it in the insert menu !

  4. If you're pre 2007 version, up to View, Header and footer. The cursor will be flashing in the header, just click on the move to footer icon on the header and footer toolbar that appears.

    If you are 2007, then its up to Insert - much more logical - and the header/ and footer icons are there in the middle of the toolbar area.

  5. View/Header and Footer

    Click in the footer and type.

  6. Here's how you do it >>>

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