
How do i introduce my parrots to each other?

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i have a 1 year old blue and gold macaw and a 4 year old orange winged amazon is it possible to let them out together and eventually live together? iv put the macaw next to the amazons cage the macaw looks interested in the amazon but the amazon is trying to bite the macaw. can or how do i introduce them to each other with out them fighting? any advice?




  1. I agree with Lisa - every Parrot is different, they are like people - some just dont get on.

    I was lucky: My greys got on instantly. We got our youngest when our grey was 2 years old - the baby was so inquisitive that the older grey had no choice but to share her food, treats and cage with the baby.... 6 years on and they are insperable and, im pretty sure, are a breeding pair (if we were to put a nest box in).

    We also have an Orange Winged Amazon (in her own cage opposite theres) who they put up with - we let them all out together but they tend to ignore her and she ignores them. She may fly on their cage but no one is particularly bothered by it. I eventually want to get them an outdoor aviary for the summer time - I will have no problems putting them all together in something like that - as long as they have enough room to escape from eachother if needs be).

    In any situation when introducing Parrots I thing its important to apprach the situation as if the Won't get on - make sure you have the time, room and provision to care for them seperately - anything else is a real bonus.

    hope you get as lucky as me!!

  2. leave them near each other for a while and soon the amazon will accept his presence then you could let the macaw out of the cage and see how the amazon reacts!

  3. Set their cages next to each other. They will then notice each other. Make sure they can see one another..

  4. That's a tough question!  I would contact your area zoo for professional advice

  5. I would not put a larger bird in with a smaller one, simply because of the risk of one bird hurting/killing the other.

    If the amazon is already showing signs of aggression to the macaw I would not even think about them being in the same cage. I think you've already done all the "introducing" you can, by putting them next to each other.

    If you really want both of these birds to not *cough* killeachother *cough*, then you need to keep this slow. Treat both birds as equals so one doesn't want to murder the other because he gets more attention/treats. But you also have to let the macaw know that the amazon is the "senior" bird, he was here first & this is HIS home. So he just gets time out of the cage first.

    It will be difficult to balance this out. You can't make the zon jealous. Just do your best.

  6. throw em both in the cage, they will get use to each other eventually.

  7. at the end of the day you just have to let them get on with it...they will either get on or they wont ..all the parrots ive fostered most have got on with my greys ...but on the odd accation some havent..

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