
How do i introduce the bottle? please help.?

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my daughter is 8 weeks old and i breastfeed her. when she was 2 weeks old, i pumped my milk once and my mom gave it to her in a bottle.. she didn't know how to drink from it at first but figured it out. that was the only time we gave her a bottle. she'll be starting daycare in two weeks and with her Ped. we decided that we were going to give her a bottle for when she's in the daycare, and she suggested we start giving her a bottle per day from now on. we tried today but she doesn't want to take it. we tried different bottles, but no luck. she kept crying and screaming for my milk. i have to say when we tried this she was pretty hungry and tired. I tried first, it didn't work, then my husband tried and he got the same result!

how should i re-introduce it to have a better luck. any help will be appreciated.




  1. Have you tried feeding her with an ink dropper or a syringe? These can be used temporarily until she starts taking a bottle. My 7 week old refuses to take a bottle too, and we have been trying to feed her from one for the past 5 weeks! Good luck and let me know if something works for you.


  3. You need to have your husband try again and you need to leave and go into a different room....that is what we had to do too...My baby is 9 months old and will not take a bottle from me at all...good luck..she will do okay

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