
How do i keep a conversation going with him?

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Whenever i talk to him it is just really awkward and he always does all the talking and i kinda just agree or say yes or no. How do i stop this i really like him and he kinda has a hard time talking to me to which is weird because he usually has no problem talking to girls before but he does with me, so what can i do to keep a conversation going?




  1. i kinda agree with the other answer.

    yeah, open up to him!

    start one topic, but if you feel like it's getting old

    say something similar to the first topic and that will start a new topic!

    and when that gets old, say ANOTHER similar thing and

    that will be ANOTHER topic!

    when he says something. try to relate to what he says. and then SAY IT!

    you don't have to be shy. its just talking! lol!

    good luck and i hope that helps!

    - Nikki Nikki <3

  2. don't make it awkward.

    open up to him.

    to keep the conversation going,

    talk to him and continue on with the topic

    that yall were talking about.

    or you can find a new topic to talk to

    him about on the last topic.

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