
How do i keep aneighborss cat from my yard?

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How do i keep aneighborss cat from my yard?




  1. call animal control they can set up live traps and catch the cats and take them back to the shelter and if nobody claims them they can go up for adoption where they can find HOMES.  cats need to be kept on their owners property at all times if not on their property they need to be under their owner's control on a leash.

  2. Plant peppermint around the yard or you can get something called Bitter Apple at a pet store (see link below) but I don't know if you'd have to spray it regularly.

    Cats really hate aluminum foil - it wouldn't look nice but if there's a particular place where the cat goes in your yard, could you put up a few sheets of aluminum foil (it needs to be able to "blow" in the wind - they hate the sound and the way it feels).

    If it's a problem - talk to you neighbor - they don't want their cat some place where it isn't wanted (or could get hurt) and harming the cat is NOT a good "long term solution".

    Good Luck!

  3. sounds cruel but cayenne pepper powder does the trick...

    cats, rats, squirrels, etc would eat up my vegatables in my back yard... i sprinkled a bit around the perimeter and val lah... no more problems...

  4. There is a spray you can buy at PetSmart that will keep cats away from your yard. I use it to keep feral cats out of our shed.

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