
How do i keep from getting shin splints when running on pavement. I have great running shoes.. any suggestions

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How do i keep from getting shin splints when running on pavement. I have great running shoes.. any suggestions




  1. drink lots of water the day before and the day when you are going running. stay hydrated.

  2. Concrete does not absorb the bounce of a runner so in order to stop the shin splints to not run on the concrete pavement, run on a surface that absorbs the bounce.

  3. if you continue running on pavement your shins won't really get any better and in this case shoes don't really matter. If u want to get better you should stop running on pavement for a while and rest, during that rest time ice your shins on a daily basis.

  4. It's really tricky in my experience because shin splints can be a bit chronic - would you consider giving up jogging for a few weeks and replace it with x trainer or some other cardio - to give your shins some recouperation time

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