
How do i keep from loosing socks in the laundry. it happens all the time?

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does the washing machine agitator eat up the socks............




  1. There is an alligator that lives in your washing machine, and he is eating your socks ....... but only the white ones. Check the rubber seal and make sure there are no holes that he can slip through to steal those socks. you might have to get a repair man in to fix the hole.

  2. You can use the net bags and put them all in one or seperate them if you so wish.

    I think there is a gremlin in our dryer that likes to tie our clothes together tho! lol I pulled out my clothes today and spent 30 minutes trying to untangle them and we have a front loader! So for now I'm going to have to use net bags to keep my shirts from tangling together!

    Good Luck!

  3. I worked in a laundromat and you wouldn't belive how many socks I found in the drain and in the dryer vents.

  4. safety pin the socks together at the toe. no agitators do not eat up socks.

  5. yeah do they secretly go somewhere?

  6. put them in a net bag

    put them on the same foot then take off together and wash inside each outer.

    I work in a laundromat and never found socks in drains or dryer vents.

    I find them stuck to sides of machines where the customer did't get everything out. Or in the dryers close to the doors where they didn't get them all out.

    Mainly in the washers stuck to the sides after the last spin.

  7. You can buy these flat discs that have slits in the center that you put socks through - in pairs.  They keep the socks together and are less likely to go MIA.  

    Here's a site:

  8. Put them in a Zip-Lock bag before you put them in... works every time.

  9. I got sick of loosing socks and started pinning them together. The washer and dryer don't eats socks, but I think there is a Gremlin living in one or the other that does.

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