
How do i keep gnats out of my kitchen?

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My roomies are so disgusting, they let their dirty dishes pile up. I recently got back from out of town and i found gnats and maggots all over my kitchen. I've asked them to clean their messes, I've asked them to move but nothing works and if i don't clean it, it wont get cleaned. Even after i've cleaned the kitchen i cannot get the gnats to leave i've tried bug spray and everything. its gotten so bad to where i had to stay home from work so i could clean this place. I am a VERY clean person, i've tried to find my own place but i cant go to school full time and work full time.The gnats are like my roomies and will not leave, what do i do?




  1. Sometimes the gnats are in the sink drains.  Pour some bleach down the drains followed by water.  This should help get rid of the gnats.  The maggots, well, unless the food is rinsed off of the plates, you might be in a pickle.  Could you make a deal with the roomies?  They rinse off the food and you wash the dishes later?  Good luck.  

  2. for your more immediate problem, the gnats, here's what i do (and it works, trust me!)

    get a small dish (glass or ceramic). pour a drop or 2 of dishwashing liquid in. then, pour in white or cider vinegar from a height so the the soap suds up. if it's not sudsy, jsut aggitate it  a little with a fork. then, put plastic wrap over the bowl. poke some holes in the plastic with a toothe pick. place the bowl near where you see the flies the most. it'll be a graveyard in a day.

    as for the roommate situation. do NOT clean for them! when you do, you're just reinforcing the fact that they don't have to do it and that you will! i'd move their stuff out of the way. put it in a plastic bin and set it aside. then do your own dishes, etc. if you have your own room, id get my own hot plate, my own little fridge and move as much of your own stuff in your own room as possible. that way you're subjected to the dirty kitchen as little as possible.

    as for the maggots, that's just nasty. can you call your landlord? talk to your roommates? you don't have to get your *own* place, but can't you find different roomates and a different apartment?

    good luck!

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