
How do i keep her calm in storms?

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I have a 3 year old daughter. shes scared of thunder and runs and hides. were suppose to get severe storms today. if the storms hit us how can i keep her calm?




  1. Explain to her about how the storms work in a way she would understand. For instants: tell her the thunder and lightning are fighting, and the rain is trying to drown them out, so they'll stop arguing.


  2. I really like mamalama's answer but I personally LOVE the rain and thunder and all that stuff I think the best way to keep her calm would be to look out at and talk about how beautiful it looks and as from your other questions your daughter likes to be included in things she'll be prodded and if it frightens her just give her a hug and look out she'll be relaxed and curiosity will be struck and you'll get something to talk about.

  3. Try and distract her. read stories, play games, watch a movie. I have to do the same thing. Have you tried explaining what it is to her and making it seem interesting? LIke "wow, do you hear the thunder?" with my son i have to tell him stuff is awesome. after reassuring himself a few times that it is indeed awesome, he will calm down. I hope i helped somewhat.  No two kids are the same.

  4. let her experience them!! When it starts raining really really hard we grab the umbreallas and head outside, its awesome!! When it starts thundering and lightening we come back inside and grab flashlights turn off the lights and open up the windows...lets see if we can find a lightning that will light up the WHOLE sky!! Kids are afraid of what they dont understand, everytime we hear a kaboom from thunder me and my son scream a little grab on to each other and talk about how BIIG that one sounded! She wont even remember that she was scared.

    And I dont remember the name of that book thats about storms and counting the time between the thunder and the lightning, but there is a book! counting the time between thunder and lightening could help her with numbers too!

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