
How do i keep in practice for vollyball? read details plz?

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I atend a tiny private school w/about therty studants. we had enough for a team last year but we dont got enough HS girls for a volleyball team but i wan't to keep in practise in case we ever have enough and maybe play in collidge. i am an only child riht now, nobody to practice with, please help? sory about my speling i cant spel very good




  1. If u have a volleyball throw the ball on a roof and keep bumping it, nd setting back on to the roof.(thats what i do when noone wants to play volleyball)

  2. Try sprinting from one side to the other of your driveway, if you have one, or the gym at your school.  Develop your knees with stair charges (up one story flat out, not walking).  Work on eye hand co-ordination using a tether ball set so that it is often above your head.  Strike it with the flat or palm of your hands so that it has an upward component to its movement.  And just to learn relaxation practice forward dives ending in a recovery roll.  I'm probably not clear, but since you played volleyball, just use your imagination.

    By the way, it's 'can't spell very well'.

  3. my high school coach always said that the best way to practice volleyball is to play a real game.  There is only so much you learn with drills.  To be fit for volleyball, you've got to play volleyball.  I would suggest finding a gym nearby and hang up signs around the neighborhood to start a small, neighborhood club.  If you can find someone with the equipment, it shouldn't cost a thing. It will start small, but it may grow very big and you could make teams and play tournements with eachother.  There are also usually club teams in your area that play eachother and, depending on your age, participate in tournements at colleges and other states.  These cost a good amount of money, but are wonderfully great to play in!  I'm sure if you ask your coach, he would be able to hook you up with something or another local coach who knows something.

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