
How do i keep my 2 year old calm when i want to go shopping?

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I love to shop but my 2 year old will only last maybe 15 minutes and then it's over, he won't sit in a stroller and hates that thing you can strap on their back. I can't really do anything, my husband works long hours and even on his off days he gets called in, i dont have too m any people who can watch him, and i want to try and train him to be calm but i don't know what to do




  1. ~Well unfortunately to start now will definitely take more patience, but I suppose it can be done.  Take snacks, sippy cups, book and a few toys with you to keep him occupied.  Change out the different things throughout your shopping trip.

    I would say even my daughter who is really good while shopping doesn't enjoy really long trips.  They get bored of looking at things we love to look at for any long period of time.  Take breaks to let him stretch his legs and have some kid fun too.

  2. My advice would  be to limit your shopping to once or twice a week, for only half an hour at the most.  He's two years old, I don't know too many toddlers who are going to sit calmly in a stroller for too long.  Try making it a very pleasant experience for him, then he might be more willing.  also, let him walk around, he's old enough.  He needs to learn that he can't run off.  My daughter is 16 months, and when we go shopping, i let her walk around for at least part of it.  She's getting better at not having tantrums when we don't go where she wants, she is learning that she needs to stay with mommy.  good luck!

  3. that's a hard one. maybe try bribing him. lol. tell him if hes good you ll take him to his favorite food place for lunch after shopping. That might work. also bring one of his favorite toys that he can carry around the store. maybe a stuffed animal of toy car?

  4. Try bring some snacks, of maybe a small arrangement of toys. Toy cars are great, too. Just always keep an eye on him.

  5. Spank him.  He only does what you let him do.  :)

  6. Bring snacks and some juice. My kids like that "bug juice" they like it cuz it's a special treat and only get it on occasion.

    Also some snack bars or something he normally doesn't get when you are at home. Or buy him a sucker once you get started then gets something too.

  7. You can't. He is a small child and gets bored easily. The only shopping I do with my children in tow is essential grocery shopping.

  8. Long shopping days and toddlers don't go together.  You have to get in the store and get out with their attention span.  It can't be about what you want with a child that young.  If you are in a store with toys, then put him in a cart and give him a toy to look at throughout the store as you shop.  When you are about to get to the checkout lane, distract him and take the toy away.  This will keep them quiet for a while.

  9. Make a bag of things that he only gets when you go shopping.  You could include special toys. books, snacks, and drinks.  These things are used ONLY when you are out shopping.  Once he finds that these things are pretty cool, maybe it will keep him occupied.  Good luck!

  10. Make it fun and adventurous.  Let him help you shop.  Take him to the toy isle and let him pick something out that is cheap and easy to carry and if he is good the reward him if not put it back before cashing out.  When My daughter gets antsy while shopping I put her down and let her shop I watch what she puts in the cart and take it out when she isn't looking.  I also say Sid can you get this and put it in the cart.  Envolving a toddler in everyday life is sometimes hard when you are out of ideas.  But letting him help will lighten your load and let you get what you need to do done.  Toddlers have to be entertained...boredom to them is the worst.  Let him explore and let him run.  Yes it takes more time to get what needs to be done but at least he is happy.  Good luck

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