my daughter is 7 weeks old, her first 4 weeks she just slept a lot, and now she is awake a lot more, and she cries if i try to put her down. First thing in the morning i lay her on a towel with no nappy and she will lie there chattering away for about half an hour, and for the rest of the day, and the evening, she just cries if i put her down. she will have 2 naps of about an hour in the day, and several 10 minute naps, but i am finding it impossible to get anything done. my boyfriend works all day and when he gets back he holds her so i can shower and eat and get some stuff done (he does offer to do it, but id rather he held the baby seeing as how i have been holding her all day, i'd rather do the housework and get half an hour to myself in the kitchen).
how can i amuse her so i don't have to hold her all day, or do i have to just get used to it until she's a bit bigger and she starts playing with toys, and when will that be?
Please help, (im at my mums house and my mum is downstairs holding her while i get an hours quiet on the computer!!)