
How do i keep my dog from pooping in my house?

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i have a 1 year old chiwauwa that constantly poops in the house. she will p**p outside and then 5 minutes later p**p inside. or we'll let her out and she wont p**p and then she'll come inside and do it. we don't know what to do.HELP!!!




  1. We got a dog from an animal shelter and she was 1 too. She did the same thing, when the dog squats down to go pick it up and take it outside. Or if you want to train it to use newspapers when its getting ready to go put a newspaper under it. Just remember to have lots of patients! Hope this helps!

  2. Well I have a chihuahua and what you need to do is TRAIN IT... If you can't do it go eee a pet trainer.. It should solve the problem.

  3. Dogs are creatures of habit, you should develope a routine, taking the dog for a walk at the same time of day every day, twice or three times, and feeding it, at your dog's age, once a day prefferably in the early evening. A walk last thing at night and first thing in the morning, making sure it is a long enough walk to enable the dog to do what it has to do, should cure the problem. Routine is most important as, without it, the dog doesn't know when to expect the next chance to poo

  4. ohk i have two dogs and one of them is only 9 weeks and he has potty training all down...but n e ways when it poops in the house u have to rub his nose in it and say no....ik this sounds a lil mean but u have to do it...its the only way they learn......well good luck, and hope i helped=D

    o0o yea plz watever u do, do NOT put a diaper on friend has a yorkie that always has a diaper on it...and she never tought it to go outside...so0o when it is in the house it always haz to have a diaper on it cause it will go all over if she does not put it on

  5. I would recommend getting a leash that will hook from your dogs collar to your waster (umbilical leash) and when she starts sniffing then take her out immediately, even if she has just pooped outside.

    Best of luck ^^

  6. I don't know much about your dog but my dog can p**p more than once when taken for a walk. I trust this is to mark his area. I suspect that your dog thinks that she is the boss in the house. After each meal try to take her outside and do not offer unlimited access to food for her. Regulate meals. And make sure you clean soiled area thoroughly.  

  7. You could take it out constantly.....or you could put a diaper on it.  

  8. mostly dogs like to do this in the same spot most of the time, if your dog does pour a little white vinegar over the spot he has done it in, also if you catch him when he is doing it or has done it, immediatly take him/her outside and say "NO!" fermly dont scream. if you see your dog go to the door let him outside

  9. So far on the research I have done it all says to just keep an eye on her and keep her on a leash. So when you see her sniffing around taker her outside and pick a command like "go potty" so she associates going outside to going potty.  Also, feed her at a regular times and then take her for a walk.  

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