
How do i keep my house safe while we are home alone?

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How do i keep my house safe while we are home alone?




  1. Security system

  2. Stephanie has a good answer, but I would add a trustworthy neighbor to the list.  Have their number next to the phone or on speed dial. Of course - 911 is always available.  Be safe!

  3. Yea though I sit in a lonely home in a bad neighborhood I shall fear no evil for my 16 Ga shotgun will blow his kneecaps to shreds.

  4. Guard Dog or purchase a Firearm along with taking an NRA Firearm personal Defense course.

  5. You can get an alarm system installed and put the sign outside your house to deter any would be intruders.

    Keep your doors and windows locked when you are sleeping and if you live in a bad area, even during the day.  

    I have an alarm system and you can even get one with a remote key chain and push the button for help if you need to just on the key chain or on the keypad itself.

    Do not answer the door if you do not know who it is.  Call and report any suspicious activity that you notice around your home.

    If you have a patio door, place a stick in the bottom of it.

    Make sure you cut or trim bushes around your house that people can hide in.  

    Never put your name on your mailbox because people can look your name up in the phone book and see if you answer your phone.  

    Close your curtains at night.

    Do not leave anything outside like a ladder that someone can use to get up to a second story window.  

    Make sure you have some outdoor lighting around your house.

    Get a motion sensor light at your front door.

    Thats all I can think of at this moment.

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