
How do i keep my puppy from?

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constantly whining? He is 12 weeks old and we just got him yesterday from a shelter and all he does is whine, any suggestions?




  1. i would play with him alot and give him tons of love! never give up on him though or he'll never get rid of his habit. im sure he'll grow out of it! good luck!

  2. My APBT whined for nearly a month after we first brought him home.  

    We fixed up his crate with a nice fluffy blanket and covered it with a large towel so it would resemble a den.  It seemed to comfort him to have his on little den to seek refuge in.  

    Just give your pup some time to adjust, he will stop whining in time.  

  3. Hes probably got some seperation anxiety. Dogs are a lot like humans, and they have feelings also. Hes probably a bit stressed, so set up a box where you want him to sleep, and fill it with some nice, clean, towels. Put a nice hot water bottle beneath the towels, and maybe put in one, or two soft toys in there so hes comfortable. Try making one of his new toys smell like your house, so he gets used to the scent. Don't put too much in the box, he has to have some room. Also, try and have it be an open front box, not one where hes closed in by all sides, because that can overwhelm him. Good luck with your new puppy, e-mail us how he does.  

  4. He will whine hun if you only got him yesterday. He's feeling a bit frightenend and insecure. New surroundings and a completely different routine has just smacked him in the face.

    Dont worry, he will adjust, plenty of love and a strict routine will help him adjust.

    Don't comfort him when he whines as he will get the message that if he whines, he will get attention from you which is what he wants but you dont.

    Good luck for the future x

  5. he is probably lonely. Love on him tons and play with him and to get his mind off being with no dogs.

  6. i would hug him and love him at first day.

    the thing i did wrong was jumping to every single puppy cry coz i tought is was humane thing to do.i bought my book too late and found out that u should take care that ur puppy got everything he needs, and just let him cry, dont jump on it.its nothing wrong with the pup, i know its heart breaking but puppy will learn that nothing can be solved with wining and crying, and that will save u quite a trouble in the future.i read that in a book, a bit too late,tho

    great book, by bruce fogle

  7. W used to put an old wind up clock under their pillow or mattress so they think the ticking is their mother's heart beating also a hot water bottle.   Good luck Kandy.l  

  8. well he is probably just getting used to his new surroundings and misses his litter. Try to comfort him and mabye get a thing you can warm up that would feel like another puppy.

  9. He just got taken out of the only world he's ever known.  He'll settle down but I know how hard it is for you.  All you want is to make him better.  Time is about all that will help.  He'll get used to his new place in the world and love you.  Just don't punish him for being sad.  If you do it'll alienate him from you, just love him when you can and he'll come around.

  10. He's still getting use to you and doesn't know exactly what to do. With attention and patience the whining should subside.  

  11. He's probably pretty stressed out right now.  He's very much a baby, and he's been separated from his home, his pack, and has spent time in a crowded stressful place.  For now I'd just overlook it.  See if you can engage him in play or a tummy rub; that should distract him from it.  In most the whining stops by itself as they get more comfortable with their new situation.

  12. Give him time and lots of attention. He needs to understand that he is in a new and better place. Make him as comfortable as you can.

    Talk to him!

  13. Give him time and lots of love. Everything is new to him and he is frightened and misses his litter and mommy. Give him a soft blanket and stuffed animal that is safe for puppies to sleep with.

  14. He is 12 weeks old.  He needs lots of reassurance. I would put his crate in a bedroom at night, and leave the night light on so he can see someone when he wakes up.  I would have a crate in the main living area so he can see what is going on there too.  If he wasn't in the crate, I would be practicing with him on how to behave in the house.  He needs lots of training and love at this stage.  

  15. Everything is so new to him, he just needs time and attention. However, don't go to him every time he whines as he will think that he can control you by this in the future. And he will too, lol

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