
How do i keep my two year old in his bed, and from going into his little brothers crib?

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How do i keep my two year old in his bed, and from going into his little brothers crib?




  1. tie his wrist

  2. He's  probably jealous and feels like his little brother is taking attention away from him. Put the baby to sleep and then spend some time with the two year old before bed. Bath, story time, etc. Then put him to bed. He'll realize that big boys get attention too and he won't want to be a baby any more.

  3. its probably just been jealous of his little brother expain that cribs are only for little babies so they cant fall out and he is such a big boy he can sleep in a big bed and let him show his little brother how he sleeps in a big bed

  4. I totally agree with princess_dnb and spcfulks_wife. I have 3 little ones and I went through this twice. My oldest actually broke his collar bone because he fell out of his crib! It was horrible.

    Are your 2 in seperate rooms? I'm guessing they are in the same room though. Frustrating isn't it?

    Have you checked into those crib "tents" they go over the crib, they are actually intended to keep climbers in. But in your case it might work to keep the older one out. (What if climbed in while you couldn't hear?) I've never had one.

    Best of luck to you.

  5. Until my son understood bedtime was bedtime we kept a baby gate across the doorway for his room. This may not work so well if his baby brother is also in his room. As for keeping him from climbing into the crib one good scare should work as cruel as that sounds. With my son I shouted "what are you doing" when I caught him climbing the baby gate. he's nearly 5 now and still won't climb them. It's all about making sure he knows where the limits are and enforcing them.

  6. i am having the same problem with my Benjamin. he is two, and katelyn (1) still sleeps in her crib in the same room as Ben. Ben does not understand that he has to stay in his bed at night. he tries his best to crawl into the crib with Kate! i don't agree that he is jealouse though, and i don't agree with telling him that cribs are for're not a baby are you? cause 1. he is just used to sleeping in his brib...that's where he has been comfortable until now. and 2. i don't want to put a negative influence on being a baby, cause babies are not bad and it's not bad to be one. i don't want him to think Katelyn is bad cause she is a baby. i just stay there with him until he gets used to it some and i read to him in his bed. i hug him and kiss him and then i go out. if he gets up, as soon as i hear him up i go lay him back down. remeber when your little one was a baby and didn't want to be in the crib? most kids go through this. you just have to re-train him to the toddler bed now, like you did with the crib! good luck, and i feel for ya! i know what you are going through!

  7. Sounds like my issue also.    

    I stand in the hallway and when he starts to get up tell him to lay down.  and keep repeating till he falls asleep.  Sometimes it can be over an hour that we are doing this but everynight seems to get a bit better.

  8. tell him he has his BIG BOY bed now. He isn't a baby. Only Babies sleep in cribs. He's not a BABY, is he???

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