
How do i keep myself calm in middle school

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i'm a nerveous person and i'm not very good around people i do not know how can i keep myself calm.




  1. middle school is no problem at all...just be yourself & you'll be sure to make new friends. when i started middle school, i had just moved, and i didn't know anybody.  so i made friends with some of my neighbors, and we're best friends now.  i've taken chances with talking to people, and trust me, IT WORKS!  if you ever do have a nervous breakdown, just occupy yourself with things like music or sports. these things help, and i used to be very quiet and shy, but now, i talk to anyone i meet! hope i helped and good luck!

  2. deep breathes (or controlling your breathing) can help calm you. If your anxiety is severe and you are unable to control it talk to your parents about it. Your doc can give more advice on how to control it.

  3. Maybe you should see a doctor if your anxiety is really severe. Sounds like you may have social anxiety.

    Anyway, don't worry about things so much. Just keep breathing and smiling. You'll be ok.  

  4. My friend is way hyper, so after irritating everybody in elementary school he found out that if he tapped his foot it would help keep him calm.  

  5. You just have to try and be more open to people.

    Start off by saying hi to someone you'd like to get to know, even if you don't know the person yet!

    Just be yourself..cliche', but it's true.

  6. smile!

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