
How do i keep myself occupated on a long flight?

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my flights long and i dont want to be bored what should i do?




  1. go to sleep for a while...

    go to the bathroom and m********e

    go back to sleep...

    read a book or something...

    go to the bathroom and m********e again

    then go back to sleep....

    it'll be over before you know it!

  2. magazines, novel, mp3 player, a book of puzzles like crosswords or soduku, maybe a laptop.

  3. Take a sleeping pill and take a nice long nap.

  4. Sleep, Read a book.magazine, Watch a movie(either on the plane or bring a protable dvd player), listen to ipod, play cards, ect.....

  5. IPOD.... or talk to the person next to u randomly thats always fun

  6. bring some books, i usually listen to my cd player and read at the same time.  Bring some type of digital game like a psp or an ipod so you can watch movies on it.

  7. The obvious is to fall asleep. If u cant do that your plane should have tv's in the headrest. That should occupy u

  8. use the ipod(watch some movies)


  9. i'm a music junkie , so IPOD'n .

  10. Bring some magazines with you, or book, write some letters you should have written long ago, write out your Will.

  11. "occupated"? Read some of W's speeches. They will probably make sense to you.

  12. You HAVE to bring music!  If you like to read a book should be helpful, but make sure you are okay with reading in motion. ( I personally get ill!) Or, if it's an extremly long flight, some people take sleeping pills and fall asleep on the plane.  There's also some kind of new system that alows you to download movies to watch. (expensive though) Oh, you can also pull an all-nighter the night before the plane if the sleeping pills are a no-go and just fall asleep due to exauhstion.  BYE!

  13. when i go on a long flight i bring a book to read.  you can also bring paper and drawing utensils.  bringing a fun electronic hand held game is aways fun too.

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