
How do i keep spiders out of my tent?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going for summer camp and the tents there dont zip up so alot of spiders come in. i was wondering if there is any way to keep spiders from biting you when you are sleeping?




  1. Try insect repellent.

  2. put up a sighn that says NO SPIDERS ALOUD ♥

  3. Well, being a camper I've always had the tents that zip up. In lieu of that, try some 100% DEET insect repellant but don't get it in your eyes. Also, they do sell those small biovac tents that have a screen at the top and you put your bag in that. If you went that way, then when you are out for the days activities, you don't have to worry about your bag having visitors. See that's another problem. You can put on the DEET but if a visitor is in your bag when you come back for the day, look out. He or she will chomp down regardless. Those bags are small so it should fit in the other tent. Look into it. You want a zip up biovac bag (sometimes called a small tent). Then you put your sleeping bag in that and zip it up during the day. Then you don't have to blob on the repellant.

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