
How do i keep stray cats out of my garbage?

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How do i keep stray cats out of my garbage?




  1. Do you have a lid on your trash can?  Lean the trash can up against something sturdy like a wall so they cant tip it over.   :)

  2. Corrino has a point. Also, ammonia is the most common solution for this. The only problem is, my neighbor tried it, and he had dead animals all around his trash. So I would recommend the animal rescue idea. Animals get a safe home, and you get rid of the nuisances.  

  3. put it in a box

  4. Get traps to catch the cats

    And lock your garbage lid

  5. Do you not feel bad for the stray cats. Get in touch with a cat rescue centre (that do not put healthy animals down) and let them know of the problem. The cats are starving and it is heart braking. Do the right thing :o). x

  6. I don't know but probably the best thing you could do is put cat food next to the trash cans so that the stray cats would eat the cat food instead of your garbage. These cats are hungry, and they're just trying to find something to eat. Another thing you can probable do is place the garbage somewhere else that the cats might not know where to look for.

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