
How do i keep the stray cats from pooping on my lawn?

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our grass is not that tall lower then 4ft and is dead nothing is growing up along the wall, we tried cayenne pepper and it only worked for 2 days any other idea's?


we run a business and it is really bad for that to be out where the customers can see and smell it (it smells horrible especially when it rains) i need ot get ride of this problem ASAP




  1. Lay chicken wire down on the grass/garden and secure it at the ends.  If you want to plant something, use wire cutters to open an area large enough for the plant you're wanting to grow.  Cats do not like walking on chicken wire and will stay away.

    If that won't work, there are a few more suggestions on the following website:

    Good Luck!

  2. Well, I don't understand having 4 ft. tall dead grass at your business where customers can see it.  But, you can get a cat repellent to sprinkle on will usually only last till it gets wet.  And, if you have animal control you can call and ask for cat traps.  Do you have any idea who the cats belong to?  I don't believe in being cruel to animals....but if they are that much of a problem............

  3. put out a bowl of antifreeze the kitties love it and then bye bye kitty

  4. put up bear traps (the painful metal ones) or mouse traps work good. once the cats know that the lawn isn't safe, they won't come back, and then you can take all of that trps off the lawn once they are all gone.

  5. I'm not sure that there's anything you can do. You could try putting some kind of (harmless) substance that will deter the cats due to the smell/taste.

  6. hmm.

    well you should try getting fencing.

    or maybe i know this sounds like alot,

    but a dog to scare them away.

    theres no smell worse then cat's urine. and once they start, they dont stop, because they keep smelling it, and other cats smell it to, and do the same thing in the same area. i had a cat and it kept peeing on my carpet in the basement, and it came back to the same spot. it smells HORRIBLE. but theres not alot you can do about it. but you certanly dont want to hurt it, then you would have a problem, and get in trouble. so no poison, no traps. another way, is maybe in the back put out cat food and a cat litter box. cats are smart, they know what a litter box is, all cats. just leave them food in a certain area. they will keep coming back for the food, and in that area, because they know where it is, and they wont bother you anymore.

    hope that helped =]

  7. 1) Get rid of any nooks or areas where cats could nestle and rest.

    2) Make sure nobody is giving them food.

    3) Take pepper spray on the areas cats hang around the most (be very very VERY careful).

    4) Get a dog.

    5) Use a vinegar spray bottle.

    6) Marigolds

    7) Call animal control.

    8) Mothballs.

    9) Lawn sprinkler. Or just get out there and spray them with the hose (this REALLY pisses them off.  Hire a local child to do this, and pay him/her something cheap.  It's fun for them.

  8. get a dog...put cat food for strays away from yard...trap and call animal shelter...all of the above  Please don't go with the poisons, you will have dead cats smelling up every where, plus it is illegal

  9. call animal control or put out a few litter boxes

  10. buy some rat poison

  11. bb gun

  12. You can buy devices that emit a really high pitched noise which is really unpleasant for cats. It keeps them away, because it hurts their ears.

    Could always try one...not too expensive

    "CatStop Automatic Outdoor Cat Repellent keep cats out of your garden, safely and efficiently, with a motion-activated burst of ultrasonic sound. Protect your garden, plants or sandbox without chemicals or fences. When cats come within range..."

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