
How do i keep vegetables fresh until about midday?

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I am going to be taking houmous and "dipping vegetables" for lunch at school, so was wondering how can i keep the vegetables fresh? Also, i am thinking of bringing fruit salad too, so how can i keep those fresh til about lunch time (12.30).

My "dipping vegetables" will be celery, carrot, bell peppers, any more recommendations are welcome.

Many thanks,




  1. Hummus is non perishable - it'll be fine.

    Chop up the carrot and celery and put the bits in water in the container.  Chuck in a few icecubes if there's room.  They'll probably be perkier than when you put them in in the first place.  Bell pepper though I'd leave whole and chop at the last minute.

    Fruit salad.... a bit harder..  Can be done if you use fruits like grapes, oranges, madarins, strawberries.  Apples, bananas, etc will go brown pretty quickly.

  2. freeze a prima juice and put it in your lunch box

  3. Ever heard of Tupperware?

    Dippers - small lettuce leaves, radishes, cucumber sliced lengthways

  4. air tight container - smallest they will fit in.

    The fruit you need to soak in orange juice - and carry in a water tight container.

  5. Cut them up and place them in a tupperware container. DO NOT soak them in water or ice,  have a separate tupperware container or zip lock  bag, fill it with ice and keep it under the container with the veggies. This way the veggies are kept reasonably cool and fresh and do not get wet and they won't lose their flavor.  This is a good way to keep it cool and fresh but just keeping them in an airtight container will actually be fine as long as you keep them out of the heat.

  6. Put a couple of ice pops in the freezer the night before.  Take them in your lunch box and they will keep your lunch cool and fresh until lunch time.  By lunch time the ice pops will have thawed so you have the choice of drinking them or taking them home and refreezing them for the next day.  Alternatively buy a small ice pack which you would freeze in the same way.  Ice packs are small plastic sealed containers with water inside them.  You keep them in the freezer at all times except when you want to use them to keep your food cool.  Frozen food shops sometimes sell them and so do camping supply shops.

    Alternatively make some ice cubes using pure orange juice instead of water.  Put a couple of these cubes in your fruit salad, it will keep the fruit salad and anything near it cool and fresh. it will be thawed by lunchtime and it will make your fruit salad taste nice.

  7. usually in a tupperware box. If you have one. Keeps food fresh.  

  8. this probably will sound disgusting but salt.

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