
How do i kick higher in kickboxing i really annoys me everyone else can kick high but me?

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is there any stretches i have to do or any other things




  1. work on your flexibility, i just stretched alot when I did tkd and after a while i could go out in full splits

  2. When you stretch, also, you can try wearing socks while doing your stretches over a smooth floor.

  3. practice, practice, practice. the more you practice your kicks the higher you will go if you push yourself a little higher each day

  4. STRETCH....just doing a simple bend forward a few times a day will greatly help kick hieght...i used to ave the problem of head kicks hitting shoulders till i learned that...very simple yet big results...

  5. consider taking ballet. that'll give you greater flexibility.

    or, do dance stretches every night for half an hour... you'll loosen up your leg/crotch/hip muscles, and that will give you a higher kick.

  6. Try doing the splits and just hold it there for about 15 seconds. Also try going down while you kick up!

  7. stretch. stretch, and stretch. thats really all there is to it.

    most people do not stretch long enough, they think a 5 minute warmup stretch is isn't. you'll only get so far that way.

    you need to stretch at least 15 minuts daily.

  8. yea you need to stretch your hamstrings and your hips, along with your inner thighs.. and strengthen your hip and leg muscles

    ok first off sit on the floor with one leg out straight and one leg bent, now take the bent leg and move it so that the bottom of the foot is touching the side of the knee of the straight leg, now bend forward slowly towards the knee of the straight leg always keeping your back straight and your head up, hold that for 10 seconds and repeat it about 5 times.

    Now for the thighs and hips you need to sit with the soles of your feet together try to keep them touching at all times, then push your knees as close to the ground as you feel comfortable with, but don't push to hard and cause an injury again hold for 10 seconds and repeat about 5 times.

    Also try sitting on the floor and then spreading your legs as far as possible and then fold your arms on your chest and try to get them to touch the floor between your legs, you probably won't do it for the first 10 times but don't force it let it come gradually.. (lol i tell my g/f that.) anyway back to the topic.

    if you have no access to a weights gym the best way to build leg strength is stand on one leg with ur arms out straight and bend down on that leg as far as you can and back up again, repeat this 30-40 times each exercise if you can, and it will build the muscles around the knee. For other muscles like thigh muscles try a run and if you can make it up and down not straight.

  9. You have to stretch AFTER your workout. Stretching before hand is for warmup, stretching after is to increase flexibility.

    Stretching your hamstring and your groin is most important for high kicks, I believe. Ask your instructor to show you some good stretches, and make sure you do them after every workout for at least 30 seconds per stretch.

    You'll see improvement within a few weeks.

  10. you have to watch the movie (no retreat no surrender)

    this guy gets trained by Bruce lee, well someone pretending to be Bruce lee, he shows him how to  kick really high  by trying to hit this bag that is really high in the air.

      hope i helped----------->chaos2u2001

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