
How do i know i can knock out somebody?

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How do i know i can knock out somebody?




  1. Punch someone. If they fall down and can't get up, you can knock them out.

  2. This is related to your "punch really hard" question.

    If you punch a bag so hard everyone stands around you in silent shock, you can hit hard enough for a knockout.

    If you can punch that hard when doing focus mit exercises, then odds are you can KO somebody.  Power and accuracy are what will land a KO, not power by itself.  Not just about hitting hard; its about landing it.

    And they say, snipers are more dangerous than bombers.

    Food for thought.

  3. take up boxing, or better yet, go up and knock somebody out!!!

  4. Learn the right movements and practice your punching on a big heavybag for a few months. Hit somebody around your own size on the tip of the chin with a solid right cross and they might hit the floor.

  5. ur a ****** r****d...u idiot u dont just look at someone and be like yeah i can knock him out...u ****** tool u couldnt knock out terry shiavo u ****** ******** id beat ur *** ****** q***r...dont ask stupid questions

  6. it's easy, all you have to do is bring your hand down and do a upercut, this will do a lot of damage and bring your hand throw it outside and when it's near a person, throw your hand inside so in a couple seconds you can knock out somebody

  7. If the punch is thrown Correct anybody can be knocked out.

    So to answer you question learn how to throw what ever punch it is your going to use correct land it on the chin and WOLA but every fighter is different what knockouts out Jane Doe might not knockout John Doe.

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