
How do i know if I have a ghost in house?

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a book on my bookshelf fell on the floor - i didnt see it but i heard it benind me. minutes before the book was in its normal place - nestled between other books lined up on my bood shelf. IT was not in a position where it could have fallen on its own. is there a scientific explanatin for this? thanks:)




  1. I usually blame the cat.

  2. You can't be spooked by random events. It's physically impossible for a book to make it's way off of a shelf unless a mouse or small earthquake or vibration from a passing truck or sonic boom cause it to fall - those are some of the rational explanations.

    If the book had some sort of meaning, fell open to a specific page with some interesting dialoge - then that would up the creepiness factor a bit.

    To be sure you have a ghost that likes to mess with your books it would have to happen on a more frequent basis and move more objects around - but that still wouldn't dispell some of the explanations I made above unless you saw it move with your own eyes.

  3. Well, that could be a ghost and it could not be. If there's a spirit in the house, they''ll be more signs. For example, I had a very mischevious little girl... she would go into my son's room, pick up the computer mouse, and drop it repeatedly at night when he was trying to sleep. She'd tap on the walls (loud bangs, not just creaking of a house shifting), when I was alone in the house. She'd make this sound, like a toy car being driven across the walls (again, when I was alone in the house).

    You'd get the sense of being watched, even and especially when you're alone in the house.

    I use to see someone watching me from around the corner out the corners of my eyes, for the longest time used to think it was my son, until it began to happen even when I was alone in the house. And my son said he'd seen the same thing several times. But the minute you look at it straight on, you find out there's nothing there.

    ummm, isolated cold spots in the house (like just the back of one hand, or on the top of your right foot, or just the top of one thigh, or just your left elbow), and I mean standing in the snow naked cold (not your average "oh it's chilly in here").

    That sort of stuff. Hope this helps. :)

  4. Rodents, slight earth tremor, you knocked the bookcase, wind, your pet, cleaning lady, son?

    Even if there were such a thing as ghosts how would they pull books off the shelf without any physical body to do so?

  5. no such thing a as a ghost k?

  6. if there were books stacked on top of it in the opposite direction, one could have slipped and pushed the book to the floor.

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